Telltales on 27 March, Submit Now!
March 4th, 2012 | Published in Frontpage
Taking place on Tuesday 27 March at the ever-fabulous Rum Bar, Falmouth (TR11 3PN) we’re on the hunt for submissions to make up our Telltales’ programme.
The theme for March’s Telltales is Another Life, so think birth, death, disguise, deception, reincarnation or whatever the theme conjures up for you.
Whether its poetry, prose, scripts, short stories or novel extracts everything’s welcome. All we ask is that it is an original piece of work read by the writer and not too much more than 10 minutes in length.
Submit your work – loosely related to the theme – through the form on the right of the screen by Sunday 18 March, then we’ll have a read and let you know if you have been successfully programmed.
Look forward to receiving and reading your stuff!