The Parabola Project Wins a MIA!
June 10th, 2011 | Published in Frontpage, Looking Back
“A beautifully crafted object that augments the content exceptionally well, a celebration of print and the beauty of the written word.”
That’s what the judges of the Media and Innovation Awards 2011 had to say about The Parabola Project last night at their annual awards ceremony.
We were overjoyed to win the category of Best Graphics, in acknowledgment of the look and feel of Telltales’ first publication.
In producing Parabola we wanted to show that style and substance can work in synergy, so are really happy that others have recognised the value of that too.
Thanks to all the writers and imagemakers who made The Parabola Project what it is. And thanks especially to the super talented boys at Venn Creative, who always astound us with their design wizardry.
Parabola Project is available to buy online or from stockists across Cornwall, check out the Parabola website for more details.
And we’ve just started on issue II. Submissions are now open for Parabola Project: Quickening and close on the 27 July, so get writing…
For more details on issue I, the now in production issue II or on The Parabola Project in general, check out the Parabola website.