About Telltales
May 5th, 2013 | Published in | 12 Comments
Telltales was founded by Clare Howdle and Chelsey Flood in 2008 with a simple but honest aim: to motivate, showcase and inspire writers.
Never moving away from this objective, Telltales has taken in Port Eliot Festival (four times), the Penzance Literary Festival and the Hall for Cornwall, as well as providing a regular reading night in its home town of Falmouth. Telltales has hosted visits from the likes of Ross Sutherland, Luke Wright and Molly Naylor. Three volumes of the writing anthology The Parabola Project grew out of Telltales. As if that wasn’t enough, Telltales has watched the journey of many of its regular contributors, as their work has travelled out of the shoe box and onto the world stage.
When Telltales reached the noble age of five, Clare, ready to focus on new projects, decided that it was time for Telltales to test its wings and go out into the big wide world on its own. And here we are.
Today Telltales continues to do what it’s best at. The much-loved reading night meets bi-monthly at salubrious locations in and around Falmouth and presents the best of new writing in the South West.
Where will we be five years from now? More authors being signed by publishers? More chances to welcome the stars of the spoken and written word onto our stage? Perhaps another publication of our own?
The way is wide open, but one thing’s for certain, if we can continue to offer the opportunity for writers and their audience to get together, month after month, to be inspired to write more, listen more, live more, we will have succeeded.
August 1st, 2013 at 9:13 pm (#)
I am very interested in the telltale reading nights. Can you let me know when the next night is, and if I want to read do I have to submit my story first? Many thanks.
August 29th, 2013 at 3:09 pm (#)
I would like to come along to your sessions. Please would you let me know when and where you will be meeting again. Thank you
October 12th, 2013 at 9:46 am (#)
I normally live in Worcester and am a member of Worcester Writers Circle. I am staying in Cornwall from now till February. Could you send me a programme of when your meetings are, please; I can’t seem to work it out from the web site. For spoken word gigs I normally read short stories, slightly quirky, usually funny, mostly 400 – 800 words.
What would I have to do to read at your group?
November 1st, 2013 at 11:47 am (#)
Hello Mary
You can always find details of the next Telltales on the website here:
Look forward to seeing you at an event soon!
November 1st, 2013 at 11:48 am (#)
Hello Rod
You can always find details of the next Telltales on the website here:
Look forward to seeing you at an event soon!
November 1st, 2013 at 11:49 am (#)
Hello Christine
You can always find details of the next Telltales on the website here:
Look forward to seeing you at an event soon!
May 29th, 2015 at 1:09 pm (#)
Thanks for inviting me to sing my songs at the telltales event in St Ives and Dollys bar . I really enjoyed both events and would like to come to more in the future. Unfortunately I will not be able to sing at the Kimberly park event on Sunday 31 May. I have had to go to Bristol to look after my brother who is not well.
Hope to see you all again very soon. Josie
October 18th, 2015 at 5:17 pm (#)
Hi there
I’ve just moved back to Cornwall from Switzerland where I was a member of the Geneva Writers’ Group. It was great and I’m looking for something similar BUT for the GWG although you could come to 2 or 3 workshops as a guest, to get the benefits of their other events you had to become a member.
Looking through your site I can see no mention of membership. Also, I assume the next meeting is in November. Your home page does say ‘7 for 7.30’ and ‘at Dolly’s Wine Bar’ but I can’t see the date.
I’d love to join you, become a regular and keep up the writing that 7 years in Switzerland seemed to inspire in me.
I look forward to getting details.
August 31st, 2018 at 9:42 pm (#)
Hi I just wondered if you do poetry meet up’s ?
September 22nd, 2018 at 10:11 pm (#)
Hello Lewis,
Thanks for your message and sorry for the slow response. As it happens we have a special all-poetry Telltales coming up on Tuesday 20 November 2018 which is part of the Cornwall Contemporary Poetry Festival.
If you write poetry, perhaps you might like to submit something? Alternatively, you could come along and be part of the audience.
There will be more about this on the website soon.
All best,
March 21st, 2019 at 5:53 pm (#)
Can you give me an indication of the start time for the next event 26th March 2019
I cannot see anything on the site or am are looking in the wrong tab
January 31st, 2020 at 11:29 am (#)
Dear Tell Tales,
We would really appreciate it if you could share our upcoming Speakeasy event with your writers. We would be very happy to have them along and spread the writing community far and wide!
Many thanks!
The Writers’ Block